2024 Conference Sponsors
Old Well Sponsor ($10,000 +)
Bell Tower Sponsor ($5,000 to $9,999)
Carolina Sponsor ($2,000 to $4,999)
Victor J. and Marion Schoenbach
Tar Heel Sponsor ($500 to $1,999)
UNC Athletics
UNC Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
UNC Lineberger
UNC School of Information and Library Science
Amber Anderson
April Carson
Tracet Conrad
Carolyn Halpern
Alexandra Lightfoot
Robert Reasenberg
Che Smith
Shu Wen Ng and Marc Jeuland
Andy Shoenbach and Daryl Kade
Blue Sponsor (up to $499)
UNC Campus Health
Stephanie Baker
ToNola Brown-Bland
Carolyn Crump
April Carson
Tracy Conrad
Jonathan Earnest
Geni Eng
Melissa Gilkey
Allison Glasser
Christine Hunt
Timothy Okabayashi
Afsaneh Mortazavi
Saami Shaikh
Emily Van Shenkhof
Victoria Washington
Kate-Ramsey White